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Press Release - New Interim Health Officer Appointed

WV Rule 64CSR30 Fees for Permits

Fee Schedule for Permits and Services

5.1.  Bed and Breakfast Permit - $60 per permit.  The fixed expiration date is June 30.

5.2.  Campground Permit - Fee set forth in Table 64-30A.

  • Table 64-30A Campground Permit Fees
  • Fee for Permit
  • $6 per site, $60 minimum fee.
  • The fixed expiration date is June 30.

5.3.  Care Facility Permit - $60 per permit.  The fixed expiration date is June 30.

5.4.  Child Care Center Permit - Fee set forth in Table 64-30B.

Table 64-30B Child Care Centers Permit Fees

Number of Children Fee for Permit
Family Day Care Facility (7 – 12) $60
Day Care Center (13 – 25) $125
Day Care Center (26 and over) $185

* The fixed expiration date is December 31.

5.5.  Food Service Establishment Permit - Fee set forth in Table 64-30C.

Table 64-30C Food Service Establishment* Permit Fees

Seating Capacity Fee for Permit
0 – 20 $125
21 – 50 $250
51 – 80 $375
81 and over $500

* If the facility has a liquor license from the West Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Administration – an additional $125 fee shall be added to each seating capacity amount. The fixed expiration date is June 30.

5.6.  Hotel/Motel Permit - Fee set forth in Table 64-30D.

Table 64-30D Hotel/Motel Permit Fees

Number of Rooms Fee for Permit
0 – 20 $125
21 – 50 $250
51 – 80  $375
81 and over $500

* The fixed expiration date is June 30.

5.7.  Individual Sewage Disposal Systems and Innovative Alternative Type Sewage Systems Permit - Fee set forth in Table 64-30E.

Table 64-30E Individual and Innovative Alternative Type Sewage System

System Fee for Permit
Conventional Single-Family Dwelling $185
All other types of system $375

5.8.   Industrial Campground - $100 per permit. The fixed expiration is June 30.

5.9.  Labor Camp Permit - $125 per permit. The fixed expiration date is June 30.

5.10.  Mass Gathering Permit - $60 per event.  The fixed expiration date is the end of the event.

5.11.  Mobile Food Establishment Permit - food service establishment, $125 per unit. The fixed expiration date is June 30.

5.12.  Manufactured Home Community Permit - Fee set forth in Table 64-30F.

Table 64-30F Manufactured Home Community Permit Fees 

Home Unit Fee for Permit
Up to 10 parked manufactured home units $125
11 to 20 parked manufactured home units $150
21 to 30 parked manufactured home units $225
More than 30 parked manufactured home units $275

* Assessed as of April 1. The fixed expiration date is December 31.

5.13.  Organized Camp Permit - $90 per permit. The fixed expiration date is June 30.

5.14.  Recreational Water Facility Permit - $125 per facility. The fixed expiration date is December 31.

5.15.  Retail Food Store Annual Permit - $60 per check-out station. The fixed expiration date is June 30.

5.16.  Schools - $60 per site. The fixed expiration date is June 30.

5.17.  Subdivision Permit - Fee set forth in Table 64-30G, of this rule.

Table 64-30G Subdivision Permit Fees

  • Fee for Permit
  • $12 per lot, $100 minimum fee 
  • No expiration dates.

5.18.  Temporary Food Service Establishment Permit (maximum 14 days) - $60 per unit. The fixed expiration date is as noted on the permit.

5.19.  In-State Vendor Temporary Food Service Establishment Permit (non-potentially hazardous food only) - $60 per unit, permit fee valid for one year from date of issuance of permit. The fixed expiration date is as noted on the permit.

5.20.  Vending Machine Permit - Potentially hazardous food only, $60 per machine, per site, maximum of $360 per site. The fixed expiration date is June 30.

5.21.  Water Well Permit (new or repair) - $125 per well.

Application fees for all fixed expiration date Permits will be calculated using the below formula from Legislative Rule 64CSR30H:

# of Months from Fixed Expiration Date % Annual Fee to be Paid
< 3 months 25% of annual fee
3 months to < 6 months 50% of annual fee
6 months to < 9 months 75% of annual fee
9 months to < 12 months 100% of annual fee

A late fee of 25 percent for all expired permits listed in this rule will be applied to the permit fee schedule.  Payment must be received within 10 days of the expiration date to avoid the late fee assessment.  All applications for permits that are received in less than 10 days from the expiration date must pay an additional 25% fee on top of the accessed normal fees for permit (see Legislative Rule 64CSR30I Late fee for Expired Permits).

All campgrounds and organized camps must follow the West Virginia General Sanitation Regulations

General Sanitation Regulations

Once the application is properly received and approved, the operator must schedule an inspection day, time, and location with a Sanitarian. The Sanitarian will call you to arrange a day, time, and location for inspecting your campground or organized camp to make sure that it meets the General Sanitation Regulations and that it can be operated in a safe and sanitary manner.

Any General Sanitation facility that will have food service or a pool, hot tub, or bathing beach must fill out separate plan review applications for those items and separate permit fees may apply.