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Press Release - New Interim Health Officer Appointed
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Manufactured Home Communities

All permitted mobile home parks are inspected twice a year for approved water supply and sewage disposal, proper solid waste disposal, compliance with the Taylor County Salvage Yard Ordinance, for any fire, safety and structural hazards, vaccination of all pets, and other environmental health risks.

A mobile home park is any site, area, tract or parcel of land upon which four or more mobile homes used or occupied for dwelling purposes are parked either free of charge or for monetary consideration and shall include any roadway, building, structure, installation, enclosure, or vehicle used or intended for use as a part of the facilities of said mobile home park.

No person shall construct or install a mobile home park, or any part thereof, in the State of West Virginia, unless he/she possesses a permit issued by the state department of health and the local health department in the name of such person for such specific construction or installation. A permit for the construction or installation of a mobile home park shall not be issued until an application for a construction or installation permit and detailed plans and specifications of the mobile home park construction or installation have been submitted to the state department of health and the local health department for review and approval. The application must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the date on which such action by that agency is desired.