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FAQ's Concerning Boil Water Advisory Events

Available Testing at GTCHD

Tuberculosis (TB) Program

What is Tuberculosis (TB)?

Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. The infection usually attacks the lungs, but can attack parts of the body including kidneys, spine, and brain. If not treated active, TB can be fatal.

There are two types of TB that the Grafton-Taylor County Health Department monitors:

  1. Latent TB infection - The person is infected with the TB “germ,” but it does not make them sick or anyone else around them sick. The person’s body can fight the bacteria from growing, but not to get rid of it totally. If this bacterium becomes active, it could multiply and become active TB. This is when you may infect others.
  2. Active TB disease - The bacteria is active, and your immune system cannot fight off the disease. You become sick and will pass TB on to others. A person with active TB will be prescribed special antibiotics made specifically to fight TB disease.

Available Testing at GTCHD

Call for an appointment. You must be able to return after 48-hous to be checked during office hours. Those eligible for the skin testing are:

  • Known or suspected contacts to an active case
  • Those with certain medical conditions (adult or child)-if you do NOT have insurance

A TB risk assessment will be completed on anyone wishing to have a skin test to verify if they meet the West Virginia Tuberculosis criteria.

Preventive therapy for positive skin tests and medication for active disease is provided at no cost as well as chest x-ray and enrollment into our TB control program as indicated. There is no cost for the skin test, medication or chest x-ray.

Additional Resources